This is one of common error message While Creating a New Availability Group Here is full error I received when I attempted to Create a New Availability Group.
Here is my environment
OS - Windows Server 2012 R2
SQL Server - SQL 2016 Enterprise Edition ( The same solution will solve for SQL 2014/2012 too)
Primary Server - SQLAG01
Secondary Server - SQLAG02
We used ‘Full’ option in Select Initial Data Synchronization Page. The error says Primary replica is trying to search for data folder location in secondary and as a result they don’t match, and failed.
If you have choosen Full option You have to create same file location on both the instances
e,g: Create Same Data path on both instances.
Data Path on SQLAG01 - "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQLAG01\MSSQL\DATA\"
Data Path on SQLAG02- "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQLAG01\MSSQL\DATA\"